3rd Programming Contest
Facing various algorithmic challenges in Bayan's products encouraged us to hold programming events in which talented programmers compete in solving problems inspired by real world scenarios

Onsite Final Round finished
Facing various algorithmic challenges in Bayan's products encouraged us to hold programming events in which talented programmers compete in solving problems inspired by real world scenarios
Onsite Final Round finished
4910 contestants from 54 countries participated in
Bayan Programming Contest 2012-2013. They went through a challenging competition to advance to the
onsite event.
Here is 4 minute video clip summarizing the whole proccess of the final event
– from arrival in the airport till the closing ceremony.
We'd be glad to see you amongst finalists this year, and let's see who will claim this year's
Gold Medal + 3 Gold Coins (24 gr total) + Iranian Handicrafts
Silver Medal + 2 Gold Coins (16 gr total) + Iranian Handicrafts
Bronze Medal + Gold Coin (8 gr) + Iranian Handicrafts
The leading contestant of top 20 countries will be invited to the on-site events
All accommodation expenses are covered by Bayan. Flight expenses of top 10 participants are covered as well
Top 5 contestants in shortcut round, top 50 contestants in warmup round and top 100 contestants in elimination round will be receiving T-shirts
Bayan is a privately held Information Technology and consulting company specializing in large-scale web applications. Bayan has developed many products and services since its establishment, including:
Hosted blog service
Web-mail service
File hosting service
Smart cloud storage system
Meta search engine, focusing on retrieving relevant results for Persian search queries.
Best Iranian Software Company
Outstanding Iranian Brand in Information Technology
Organizational Excellency Award
or drop us a call on +98 21 6153
for more details.